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Messages To Julie
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História de vida

I would like to introduce you all to my beautiful daughter Julie, she was born on May 15, 1992...Two years previous I had a still birth and was sooo worried and anxious during my pregnacy with her...The day I found out I was pregnant again I was totally in love with her...The day she was born I was introduced to little wonderful baby who had two toned coloured blonde hair (she looked liked the sun had already kissed her hair)...She was such a happy baby and so good never any colic or crying...Every morning soon as she could stand there Julie would be standing up in her crib smiling...My parents when I would get a chance to visit would put her travel crib in their room and love to see her when she woke up.
As a little girl she loved Barney and Scooby-Doo (I still have the Scooby blanket Santa brought her one Christmas). She loved playing and trying to keep up with her big brother who was 8 years older but even through their arguements he still thought of her as 'His'. Smiling and crying here.
She always was one who ran away from bugs when little, a string on a shoe was a scary spider trying to catch her, and Grandpa (as she called my Dad Papa) had 'killer bees'....they were wasp's :)...Scared of thunder Julie and my Mom would stand by the window at my parent's cottage waving and saying 'Bye bye rain'. She grew up to handle reptiles most people would never want to touch...
As a teenager she had one HUGE heart for all animals and small childeren, she hated school and rules! Okay yep a teenager. She would babysit anything from a small infant to a Burmese Python!!! She loved punk music, we were to see Marky Ramone together but never made it. She loved drawing and was remarkable at it, her imagination would soar and she would dream up some awesome drawings. She loved Wendy's for the Baconator and Pizza Hut for cheesie bread sticks....
We would spend time listening to music, alot of times the same song over and over because she like it, one way Mommy learned the words! :) Her dream was to become a chef like chef Ramsey on T.V, she loved his attitude! :) or an underwater welder, given a chance she would have learned both.
She was just recently diagnosed with depression in June of this year, the hospital was to keep her for two weeks...They released her only after a few days with a prescription for anti-depressants and the name of a therapist. I could scream here. I kept trying to talk her into seeing a therapist, I blame the health care system for letting her down. I have written to the NHS (Niagara Health Services), the Minister of Health, the Premier of Ontario and the Prime Minister of Canada...Changes need to be done. Julie committed suicide by hanging herself at her father's house on Aug. 5, 2009... No hospital should have released someone so soon who only 2 months before was admitted for suicidal thoughts and diagnosed with depression....Anti-depressant medication in teenagers have been found to do more harm then good and people you weren't treating the illness just trying to cover they symptoms....
I wish things were not as they are, my life right now is a living hell, but I am trying even through letters to anyone I can think of to help another family with a beautiful daughter or son, we should not be let down by our health systems. If I could change a second through her journey into that dark place I would do it in a second... God places children at the highest of his list that is because they love purely and innocently, that is way it should be...


People were also bringing babies to
Jesus to have him touch them.
When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them.
But Jesus called the children to him and said,
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
I tell you the truth; anyone who will not receive
the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."
- Luke 18:15-17

Agosto 5, 2009
Passed away on August 5, 2009.